Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Setting gmail di htc

Mungkin banyak yg punya masalah mengenai setting email di htc android hususnya htc desire vc Masalah yang biasa dihadapi biasanya adalah bisa terima tp ga bisa kirim. Setelah searching di google nemu deh caranya (tp tetep ga bisa) Instruksi dr gmail "To configure the 'Email' app on an Android device for access to Gmail, just follow the steps below: Enable IMAP in your Gmail settings. On your phone, press < Home >, then open the Email application. On the 'Your accounts' page, select Next to get started with setup. Enter your full Gmail address and password, then select Next. On the next screen, you can give the account a nickname and choose the name to display on your outgoing messages. Tap Done. And you're done. You can verify your settings from the Inbox view by tapping < Menu > > Account settings. Incoming settings IMAP server: Port: 993 Security type: SSL (always) Outgoing settings SMTP server: Port: 465 Security type: SSL (always)" Dengan coba instruksi diatas saya masih tetep ga bisa sent email Setelah browsing sana browsing sini akhirnya nemu cara yang ampuh. Nih settingan ampuhnya: 
Incoming settings 
IMAP server: 
Port: 993 
Security type: SSL 
Outgoing settings 
SMTP server: 
Port: 587 
Security type: TLS 

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